Printing Help & Troubleshooting

Running into issues when printing my PDFs or sheet music? Here’s a page with some answers to common questions.

Having issues printing colors?

Some of my PDFs use colors in their designs. If you don’t have colored ink cartridges fully stocked up, I recommend looking for “Black and White” mode in your printer settings. This will ensure things print using shades of gray, which should still get the job done most of the time.

If colors like red are coming off as yellow-ish, it’s likely one of your cartridges is out… and the advice regarding “Black or White” mode (from above) should hopefully do the trick.

Having issues with content not fitting on the page?

Generally, you’ll want to look for a “Fit to page” option when printing – which ensures the content of PDFs will always fit within the bounds of your paper size. Sometimes, this may come up as “Scale” – which you might need to set to 90% or 95%. This will reduce the size of all the content equally, so that it fits and leaves room on the margins for you.

Need help printing Musicnotes song sheet?

Please see the Musicnotes Help Center for printing support when it comes to their sheet music. If you’re absolutely stuck with Musicnotes printing, please submit a help request and they’ll be able to promptly assist you.

If your Musicnotes sheet music is only printing the first page (which a few of you have emailed me about)– one solution that I’ve heard worked: try printing your Musicnotes sheet music via the app (mobile or tablet) instead of website. For whatever reason, that’s solved things for at least a few folks.

See a mistake or typo?

Please let me know! While I do proof-read everything, sometimes mistakes get through. I very much want to know about any typos and will fix them promptly.

Have feedback or a request regarding my printed material?

Feel free to reach out with any feedback. Over the years, I’ve absolutely incorporated feedback from you all when it comes to my PDFs. But please note, I’m unable to create custom layout tweaks (to any of my PDFs) on a per-request basis, as that’s not practical given everything on my plate. Likewise, things like creating left-handed versions of my PDFs aren’t possible for me at the moment because of how generally tight on time I am. But I’m always happy to hear feedback.

Need help with something else? Visit my Help & FAQ page »

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